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Ijat syafiq ? Defuck ! haha
Friday 12 April 2013 | 4:02 am | 0 comments
Helloooo guysss , ouuuuuu #IjatSyafiq trending on twitter HAHA !

Ade lg ke yg tak tahu why dia trending ? ehem ehem dia gangster celoppp woooo
Takut gilerrrr , tngok lh video dia wkwkwk .

 okay done watching this ?! I'm just pity on the monitor and ijatsyafiq's parents

actually, IjatSyafiiq and the gang tuh tk strong enough sbb 3 lawan 1 brooo , monitor dia tuh tk jatuh pon even dh kena pukul dngn 3orang , nampak tak sape lebih brave ? haaa

And one more kalau pasal phone pon nak pukul macam nih , it's a stupid damn fucking things yg prnah ijatsyafiq buat lah okay ~
 orang lain pon bwk phone g skolah and kawann dia report jugak tp tkde lh smpai camnih -.- luls

Gamgster lah samgat kan , blog dia pon colourful kalah aku ! hahahahahaha how disgusting

Anyway , hope Ijat Syafiq and his GANG yg tk brape nk Matured nih insaf insaflah . I'm think korang dh masuk Henrey Gurney haha , kau rasa lah kt sana ada lagi plajar yg boleh buli kau lebih teruk thank ape yg kau buat nih guys ! haha bye bye  Eh lupa plak , nak tngok tak blog Iijat Syafiq yg comel tuh HAHAHAHA ! http://izzatashadiari.blogspot.com/ Hope you all enjoy and tergelak sakan tngok blog dia ye . haha